Saturday, October 13, 2007

Weekend Scrambled Eggs

Remember those tough, chewy, hard scrambled eggs you ate in college? Well these aren't those eggs. This is one of our weekend traditions--these soft, moist, curdless eggs, accompanied by strips of turkey bacon and fruit. These don't take any more work than your everyday eggs--just a bit more time to get accustomed to the stove. As with most egg recipes, there are endless variations to try--adding herbs, different cheeses, cooked vegetables, shrimp--whatever your heart desires.

The recipe is another Bittman classic--the original asks for oil or butter, but I've found I don't need it with my nonstick pans. If you're using non-nonstick, I'd swirl 2-4 tbsp of butter, preferably, or olive oil around the pan first. Bittman also asks for cream and tarragon leaves--I like the recipe better with a healthy dose of aged cheese; if I'm feeling adventurous, my other favorite add-in is minced pickled jalapenos--2 or 3 tbsp. Bittman also recommends that you cook the eggs over low heat for 40 minutes, but I don't have anything close to that level of patience; I do medium-low for 20 minutes and it tastes basically the same.

Makes 2 servings
Time: about 20 minutes

5 eggs
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
1 tsp minced fresh tarragon leaves or 1/4 teaspoon dried tarragon (optional, IMO)
2 tbsp cream (also optional)
Kari's preferred addition: third of a cup of freshly grated cheddar, monterey jack, or parmesan

1) Place a medium skillet, preferably non-stick, over medium-low heat for 1 minute. Add butter and swirl, if using.

2) Beat the eggs with the remaining ingredients and pour into the skillet. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. At first, nothing will happen; after 5-10 minutes or so, the eggs will begin to form curds. Keep stirring, breaking up the curds as they form, until the mixture is a mass of soft curds. This will take up to 20 minutes. Serve immediately--some of my favorite accompaniments are toast or cheddar biscuits fresh from the oven.

Possible Additions:
  • sauteed mushrooms or other cooked vegetables, cut into small dice, about 1/2 cup
  • diced cooked shrimp or other seafood, about 1/2 cup
  • sour cream, cream cheese, or goat cheese, about 1/3 cup
  • minced smoked salmon or other fish, about 1/2 cup
  • tabasco, worcestershire, or other prepared sauces to taste

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